Parent Engagement

Parents Area

At Pragyanam School, we strongly believe in fostering a strong partnership between parents and the school. We understand the importance of parental involvement in a child’s education and strive to provide various avenues for meaningful engagement. Our parent engagement initiatives are designed to ensure open communication, transparency, and support between parents and the school community.

Our Guiding Principles

We maintain regular, clear, and honest communication with parents. We keep you informed about their child’s progress, academic performance, behavior, and any other relevant information.

We treat parents with respect, valuing their perspectives and input. We understand that each family is unique and may have different needs, beliefs, and circumstances.

We view parents as essential partners in their child’s education. We encourage their involvement, seek their insights, and collaborate to create a supportive learning environment.

We provide opportunities for parents to actively engage in the school community, such as volunteering, attending workshops, participating in parent-teacher conferences, and joining parent associations.

We seek feedback from parents on school policies, programs, and practices. We use this input to continuously improve and enhance the educational experience for all students.

We address conflicts or concerns promptly, professionally, and in a manner that promotes understanding and resolution while keeping the best interests of the child at the forefront.

We try to be flexible in scheduling meetings and events to accommodate the diverse needs of parents. We ensure that information and resources are accessible to all families, regardless of their circumstances.

What Parents Say About Us:

They try to understand the problem rather than forcing on a situation.

Parent Engagement

Stay connected and informed with our dedicated ParentApp. This user-friendly application keeps parents updated on various aspects of their child’s academic journey. From attendance records and homework assignments to fee payments and important news and events, the ParentApp serves as a comprehensive platform for seamless communication between parents and the school.

Parent App