What do modern parents look for in the best CBSE school in Gurgaon? Academic excellence? Quality of the school’s organization and the facilities provided? More than these factors, the recent observations show that parents are more inclined towards the safety measures in school for students.

The current period with a challenging pandemic and the struggle to attend physical classes highlights how the schools can upgrade the best to assure them. Explore ahead what measures are the best schools like Pragyanam school are currently implementing to set a higher notch for security standards.

Safety Measures Followed in Schools

1. Security all along the periphery

One security guard at the front gate is not enough to protect the entire school area. Low periphery walls or other entrances can lead to the escape of mischievous students or become an easy entry for the trespassers. Safety rules at school should consider the entire area and architectural design feasible for maintenance.

One security guard at the front gate is not enough to protect the entire school area. Low periphery walls or other entrances can lead to the escape of mischievous students or become an easy entry for the trespassers. Safety rules at school should consider the entire area and architectural design feasible for maintenance.

Barbed wires or glass chips are best around the walls. Guards should strictly allow the students to leave the compound only after school hours or with recognized guardians. Also, they shouldn’t allow any outsiders without prior permission.

2. Internal surveillance cameras to check

Notorious students are not an exception even in the best CBSE school in Gurgaon, but the safety measures can be surely exceptional. Along with the outer security, the school building and corridors should have strict surveillance cameras. CCTVs should be well-functioning and constantly monitored by the safety cell.

Any fights, usage of dangerous items, indiscipline around the classrooms should be addressed and informed immediately. Authorities should monitor the school and classroom guidelines for both the teachers’ and students’ actions.

3. Strict tracking of transport and commute roads

The top schools like Pragyanam school ensure school transportation facilities to avoid unguarded mishaps. Buses and vans are maintained by the school authorities to follow a definite commute track and only provide service to the school children.

According to basic school safety guidelines, proper vehicular maintenance is a must. Drivers should have valid licenses, and every motor should have internal surveillance cameras to check the activity along the route.

Safety in Schools

4. Appropriate furniture and infrastructure

Students are most prone to accidents when infrastructure and equipment aren’t safe. Classroom guidelines are essential to teach proper usage of the equipment and practical tools provided to them. Authorities should also look out for broken and sharp furniture, broken window panes, or unsuitable sports equipment provided to the students.

Safety measures in school for students should also check the laboratory equipment used. Experiments involving heat and hazardous chemicals should be under teachers’ guidance, heavy-weights and electric circuits of physics laboratories should be under safety limits, and attendants should monitor the lab standards and appropriate storage without fail.

Best CBSE School in Gurgaon

5. Sanitation and cleanliness to the point

Safety measures don’t limit themselves to avoiding physical injuries. A clean and sanitized atmosphere is essential for proper concentration in the studies while spending time at the school. With the increasing awareness about social distancing and cleanliness, many are fast employing cleanliness policies in the school safety guidelines.

There should be periodic sanitation spraying drives, daily cleaning and sweeping of the grounds and the classrooms, proper maintenance of washrooms, and availability of dustbins at frequent places. Promoting a clean area improves the front representation and also reduces absenteeism and illness among the students.

6. Mock drills and training to the students

One of the essential parts of education is teaching how to be safe at school. Students should be taught about proper behavior with seniors and juniors to avoid bullying and arrogant fights. Since accidents due to fire or electric short circuits are not predictable, they should be prepared to save themselves in an emergency.

Schools should conduct mock drills practically teaching the usage of fire extinguishers and exits without panicking. Emergency helpline numbers should also be available around different areas to report quickly.

7. Availability of first aid and safety addressing cell

Though safety measures are up to the mark, there are often many unnoticed issues the students face. There might be anyone facing mental abuse, or one might notice something which can lead to danger.

Thus, along with safety measures in school for students, an addressing cell should also be available to listen out for grievances. The students can then inform the authorities beforehand if they find anything amiss. First aid is also a necessity to attend to the injuries before the parents or the ambulances rush in.

Final Words

Upgrading the standards and educational profile certainly ensures that the school stands as the best CBSE school in Gurgaon. However, school safety guidelines and appropriate measures are way more important to promote a safe and assuring environment for every student. The above listed are the basic factors every school should consider implementing as they are neither costly installations nor any tedious engagements to maintain regularly.

March 2025