Save Water, Secure The Future: Simple Ways To Make A Difference

Save the Water Save the Future

At least 50 percent of the global population experiences water scarcity for a minimum of one month annually. The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations projects that by 2025, 1.8 billion individuals will likely encounter absolute water scarcity.

We are facing both water scarcity and water contamination. Consequently, conserving water is essential. Every drop conserved today is a boon for future generations, and it must be a deliberate decision that each individual undertakes on a regular basis.

The Importance of Saving Water

There are several reasons why water needs to be conserved. These include:

1). Mitigating scarcity – Of course, the first and foremost reason for saving water is to ensure enough for present and future generations. As the world population rapidly increases, the importance of water conservation goes up that much. Access to clean water is a basic human right, and equitable access to this essential resource is key.

2). Environmental conservation – Conserving water is a necessary step towards environmental conservation as it helps maintain the ecological balance of the aquatic ecosystem.

3). Preserving water quality – Overuse of water, as well as its contamination, significantly affects water quality. Conserving water therefore may go hand in hand with preserving its quality as well.

4). Mitigating conflicts – Having enough water can help prevent conflicts between people, communities, and nations. It may sound far-fetched, but sufficient water can be instrumental in the peaceful coexistence of humanity.

While these are large enough reasons to conserve water, fortunately, the steps needed to do so are small, and each of us can play a big part. Let us look at some of the simple steps by which we can conserve water in our individual capacities.

Turn Off the taps

The simplest way, and the one that saves a lot of water, is to turn off the taps while brushing, shaving, or washing dishes. Estimates show that just by turning off the tap while you brush your teeth, you can save 6 liters of water a minute.

That leaky tap you may have at home could similarly be causing liters of water to go down the drain every week. Each of us taking these small steps would mean a lot in terms of saving water.

Shower with less

That bath under the shower is sure relaxing. However, you may be using as much as 17 liters of water per minute. Keeping those showers short or using the traditional bucket to have a bath will go a long way toward saving water.

Save up your dirty clothes

Instead of running the washing machine with a few clothes each time, it will help to wait till you have a full load in place. That way, you will end up saving both water and energy. That will mean lower bills will be an immediate reward for you.

Gardening Time

Sure, your plants need water. However, simple changes in gardening time will be helpful. Consider watering plants early in the morning- that way, you are ensuring that the water does not immediately evaporate under the sun. Watering plants manually, as opposed to using sprinklers, also saves a lot of water.

Dual Flush toilets

Installing dual flush toilets and using waterless urinals can also go a long way in saving water while at the same time ensuring effective waste removal.

Reduce food waste

While this may not appear to be a water conservation tip at first glance, we consume a lot of water in cooking food. Reducing food waste, therefore, goes a long way in ensuring both food and water aren’t wasted. A paragraph on water conservation cannot be complete without this important tip.

Encourage Behavior Change

Even a short note on saving water cannot be done without mentioning the critical fact that you need to do your bit to raise awareness of the need for water conservation and apprise people of the simple steps that they can take towards it. You could plan campaigns for water conservation and help people around you make informed choices.

To Sum Up

It is essential to be aware of the pressing need for water conservation and make lifestyle choices accordingly all year long. Through collective action and conscious effort, we can build a sustainable future—a future that generations to come will thank us for.

Remember – We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors; we borrow it from our Children.

At Pragyanam, a top CBSE school in Gurgaon, we work hard to raise conscientious citizens of the world who have their hearts in the right place and do not shy away from making efforts towards a sustainable future. Save Water and Save Earth is not just a slogan at Pragyanam, but a way of life.

October 2024