Preparing To Get Back To School; Back-To-School Tips For Parents

When it is time to go back to school after a long break, you can expect both excitement and nervousness. On the one hand, students look forward to meeting their friends and partaking in their back-to-school routine, on the other, it means saying goodbye to lazy mornings and relaxation. While the mixed feeling is par for the course, a lot of it has to do with being prepared ahead of time.

Here are some handy tips from one of the top CBSE schools. At Pragyanam, we lay a lot of emphasis on the holistic development of the child and teach the child effective life skills. Dealing with change is an important aspect of life that students at Pragyanam learn to navigate early. With these pointers, as parents, you can also help reinforce important lessons in preparedness and change.

1. Sleep Routines

The first thing that one needs to get in order is sleep routines. After all, the break is marked by late nights and lazy mornings. It goes without saying that if the student does not get the requisite sleep, they tend to feel sluggish and that much more unprepared to take on the day. It will work well for parents to help students reestablish their sleep routines at least a week before it is time for school to reopen. That way, when it is time to catch the school bus, the student will not be dealing with a range of issues, including sleep deprivation and the many associated issues, such as lack of concentration that come with it. To reestablish the sleep routine, among other things, it will be a good idea to cut down on-screen time ahead of bedtime. Instead, a healthy routine that consists of regular exercise (pro-tip- exercise should not be done close to bedtime, though), limiting napping during the day, avoiding caffeine, and more needs to be followed.

2. Goal Setting

With older children, what also works well is goal-setting for the year ahead. That way, the child will be geared to pursue them actively. To do this, however, the goals should be SMART. Goals also need to be realistic and broken down into small chunks so that they do not overwhelm the child. Needless to say, there should be a total buy-in from the student if these goals are to produce results. Having set the goals, ensure that you celebrate small milestones with the child as and when they are achieved.

Goal Setting

3. Get a head start on new subjects/syllabus

It will be a good idea to spend some time with the child to get a head start on any new subjects that are likely to be introduced in the new term. For instance, if the new term will introduce a foreign language or if there is likely to be a new play that is going to be taught in the literature class, it will be a good idea to read up the play. That way, the student will be better prepared for the term ahead and will have a good overview of what to expect.

4. Make sure work is completed

It will be a good idea to take stock of any assignments, homework, etc., that were given to the child to complete during the holidays. This will not only ensure that there is no last-minute stress but also that the assignments are completed in the spirit of learning that they were intended to be. It is important that the child learns to take responsibility for the work assigned to them, as opposed to the parent taking the onus of it.

5. New activities

Going to school isn’t a matter of academics alone. Instead, schools need to cater to the holistic learning of the child. It will be a good idea, therefore, not just to set academic goals but also to plan actively to take part in a host of other activities. For a child who loves dancing, looking forward to joining that dance class will be a big incentive for the upcoming school term. It will be a good idea to spend some time with the child to see which activities excite them and how they can include these activities as a part of the new school term.

holistic learning of the child

6. School Supplies

While inner motivation is key, who couldn’t do with a little bit of external help? Think of those new pens, a new schoolbag, and more, and the kind of excitement they bring. Help the child stock on these supplies and see their enthusiasm levels soar. It goes without saying that new supplies should be bought in moderation and should not be used as a bribe to get students to school. Done well, school supplies can add to the enthusiasm of returning to school, while if they are used as a bribe, they have the potential to turn into a Frankenstein very quickly.

7. Let them know it’s okay to feel their feelings

If the child is a bit nervous about heading back to school, do help allay their fears. However, do also let them know that it is okay to feel their feelings and help them work through the feelings. At any point, if you feel the need to reach out to the school for help, do not hesitate to seek it.

To sum up

The above tips will ensure that students are fully prepared for the term ahead and make the most of it. Needless to say, seemingly small logistical aspects, such as having the uniform ready, preparing for the commute, and more, the night before school reopens, will also go a long way in avoiding any last-minute hassles and keeping the student in a positive frame of mind.

Here’s to a fruitful and enjoyable school term ahead!

February 2025