
When a child starts going to school, they spend most of their time in the classroom, and perhaps that is one of the biggest reasons 
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Mention the term “Physics” and students are likely to visualize a particularly tough subject with numerous formulae that are likely to leave them confused. It 
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‘Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master.’ More than 70% of parents in today’s internet-driven world are somewhat concerned about the increased use 
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CBSE Examinations are considered as one of the toughest exams that could bring a certain degree of pressure among students. Most students across all age 
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The school curriculum is today designed to teach much more than what comes under the ambit of traditional subjects alone. Progressive schools recognize the importance 
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“ I do not like math. “ I find it too difficult”.  “ It is my least favorite subject” Odds are that you have heard 
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While childhood is proclaimed as the most carefree phase of life, the fact is that children today are toying with multiple stress points, be it 
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Ask any parent what they want out of a school, and “a good curriculum ” is sure to top the list. But what really is 
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Look for successful people in the real world, and you would agree that all of them have some traits in common. Whether they have academic 
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Children are natural explorers. On the one hand, this means that they get to explore several avenues, but on the other, their interests could be 
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September 2024