
Come end of the school year & excitement levels run high. Students want a much-deserved break from their studies. However, give a few days of 
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Do you find yourself wishing that there were more hours in the day so that you could finish your studies and also get some time 
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Although often overlooked, the ability to conduct an effective research is an extremely important life skill. It not only helps students collect relevant information from 
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Having a variety of skills is essential for success in life, and schools and teachers play a key role in developing and reinforcing these skills 
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It was over 3 years ago when the launch of Pragyanam School was envisioned in Gurugram. Anyone who knows millennium city well, also knows that 
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“All our life, so far as it has definite form, is but a mass of habits” – William James The importance of good habits cannot 
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We all would agree to the fact that creative thinking skills are really very essential for children. After all, they help to develop and hone 
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Introduction We all would agree to the fact that parenting is a difficult job. It specifically becomes stressful when it comes to helping children manage 
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A child is exposed to different kinds of challenging situations at various stages of life, especially when they are left alone. At home, you might 
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It is said that there are only two lasting things we can give to our children-roots & wings. Roots so that they are firmly grounded 
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September 2024