
Look around for people who you think are successful in life, and you will notice that they may or may not have been academically brilliant 
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Odds are that when the stresses of life engulf you, you turn to your hobbies. Not only do your hobbies rejuvenate you, but they also 
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When it comes to classrooms, the one thing that they cannot be is boring! Fun activity ideas, therefore, are much needed not only to take 
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The New Education Policy, popularly known as NEP, is being seen as designed to transform India into a global superpower. To this end, the policy 
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Education is the foundation of every society. In fact, it is the key to unlocking endless opportunities for growth and development. However, the traditional classroom 
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As a parent, you would love to see your child cruise through life without facing any obstacles. Hand on your heart-what are the odds of 
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Enough & more studies have shown that well-designed schools boost children’s performance. This is even truer in a school classroom. To ensure that learners actually 
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While as adults we are extremely focused on academics & the fact that our children should build great careers for themselves, the focus may not 
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We all know that the student-teacher ratio is an essential aspect of a school’s educational program. Many parents in fact consider this specific point when 
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As a teacher, interacting with children in school is one of the important parts of your job. After all, it’s the teachers who play a 
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September 2024