As children grow, they are curious about everything- their own bodies or the world around them. It’s about time you started teaching them about body parts and their function. Begin by telling them how we use our body parts for different activities. It will help to use illustrations and concept maps, wherever possible, to show them the other body parts and speak about their function. Since children have different learning styles, you could also use popular rhymes such as head, shoulders, knees, and toes to help them learn their body parts’ names. With a little bit of creativity, teaching body parts to the child will become a fun exercise.
Parts of the body and their function
Let us start with some things you will need to teach the child.
The journey needs to begin with the head. Children are enamoured by the fact that the head houses our brain, which is the control centre of our body. The head is also home to some other organs. Get them to point out their eyes and explain how they allow them to see everything big and small. You could also speak about the function of the eyelids and get them to point to their eyebrows. You could focus on the next shift on the child’s ears and get them to appreciate how the ear enables them to listen to different sounds, whether birds chirping or their favourite cartoons. Up next is the turn of the nose. It will be an interesting exercise to get the child to close their eyes and bring different objects with different aromas and get the child to experience them. That is done. It is time for them to eat their favourite foods with their mouth. Please take this opportunity to tell them about the function of the tongue & and the teeth. You could also take this conversation and speak of milk and permanent teeth.
Up next is the neck, which connects the head to the rest of the body and allows the head to move in different directions. You can also point out how it helps us swallow food & water.
It is about time you told the child about shoulders and arms. The arm, in turn, comprises the upper arm, elbow, lower arm, wrist, hands, and fingers. It will be fun to play a game where each of you throws a ball to the other, which the other then has to catch, to discuss the various things you can do with your hands.
That brings us to another important part of the body, the torso, which comprises a number of different human body parts. You could talk about the heart, which pumps blood 24/7, and the lungs, which take in oxygen. The torso also contains the stomach and intestines, which help in digestion.
Next, let us focus our attention on our legs, which support the body and help us move from one place to another. Speak about the thigh, knee, shin, ankle, foot, and toes.
While parents hesitate to talk about private parts, it is a critical discussion to have. The way you introduce these parts to them will determine whether or not the child associates these parts with shame or considers them to be an integral part of their body just like any other. The discussion could also lead to a critical debate about good and bad touch. It will go a long way in keeping the child safe. Pro tip- When discussing private parts, stick to the names of these parts. Tell them that they are called the penis or the vagina as opposed to making up names. This will ensure the child will refer to them correctly, and it will, in turn, enhance the child’s body image, confidence, and openness.
While speaking of all body parts, it will also be prudent to discuss how we need to keep the body clean and healthy. This can give you the opportunity to discuss several things, including the need for good hygiene and clean and healthy eating. It will help the child understand early that our body is like a temple, and we are responsible for its well-being. These lessons learnt early become a way of life for the child and stay with him.
Another aspect to be mindful of is never to body shame the child or anyone else, for that matter. For a growing child, it is essential that they take pride in their uniqueness. Ideas such as whether the child is fat or thin or looks a certain way when seeped early only fill the child with a whole lot of complexes. Growing up, children battle with body image issues as well as contend with a wide variety of eating disorders and more.
Last, you can end the discussion on body parts with a fun quiz. Get the child to name 5 body parts or body parts with a certain letter. You could also have small prizes for them to add to the fun! Learning body parts or any other subject, for that matter, does not need to be a chore for the child!
At Pragyanam, one of the best CBSE schools in Gurgaon, we are committed to the holistic development of children. Besides being known for our academic and co-curricular activities, we take great pride in the fact that our curriculum also teaches our children important life skills that help them navigate the ups and downs of life with ease.