5 Reasons Why Students Struggle With Concentration And How To Fix It?

Concentration power in students

Speak to parents and teachers, and many will raise the issue of poor concentration in children. They have trouble paying attention in class. The lack of concentration manifests itself in many other forms, including low grades and disruptive behavior in class.

While these could also be a result of learning difficulties, in more cases than not, it is the result of several other factors. Let us look at some of the reasons why children struggle with concentration:

Reasons Your Child Could Have Concentration Issues

1. Too many stimuli

A discussion on lack of concentration in these times must almost always begin with constant stimuli that students receive from their smartphones or even the many streaming platforms they watch. Research has shown that a growing fixation on screens and the constantly changing images alters how our brains work. While the brain starts learning how to switch rapidly from one thing to another, this conflicts with the focus and concentration that is required in terms of academic success. With the content engineered to keep children hooked, children find it challenging to focus on their scholarly work and resort to procrastination. Delaying work leads them to fall further behind in their academic schedule.

2. Disinterest in the material being taught

Sometimes, what we construe as a lack of concentration could also be because students do not understand the material being taught. This can result in the student losing interest in the subject being taught and falling behind.

Conversely, sometimes, the child may not feel challenged enough by the material being taught and may lose interest.

3. Learning Style

We now know that different children have different learning styles. Some are visual learners, some are auditory learners, and others are kinesthetic learners. If the material being taught does not correspond to their learning style, children quickly lose interest and do not concentrate on the topic.

4. Lack of sleep and nutrition

Issues such as lack of sleep and proper nutrition can also hinder effective learning. Such issues lead children to be distracted and, therefore, unable to focus on the lessons.

5. Learning Difficulties

If the child is experiencing a lot of distraction, poor grades, lack of concentration, and other issues, there is a possibility that the child is suffering from learning difficulties. In such cases, you need to meet a qualified professional who could rule out issues such as ADD, ADHD, Dyslexia, and more. The earlier the problem is diagnosed, the more prompt its management.

How to increase concentration

Some causes of lack of concentration have been identified, and you can work towards fixing them. Among other things, some aspects to address include:

Overcoming Distractions

Having appropriate limits on the time the child can spend on their smartphones can go a long way in helping improve concentration. Creating phone-free zones, limiting notifications, and more are some aspects that can also be implemented to limit distractions.

Chunking Down

While students may have trouble sitting through long periods, it will help to chunk down the lessons with appropriate breaks in between. Several experts will attest to the fact that the following formula can calculate the average attention span of the child:

Age × 2-5 minutes = Average Attention Span

It will help to keep a thumb rule such as this in mind.

Blended Learning

Using traditional learning with technology platforms can also help draw children’s attention. The use of videos, for instance, will help break the monotony of a regular lesson. It is also imperative to cater to different learning styles to create inclusive teaching. As teachers, you can look at blending many teaching styles and tools to cater to the entire class.

Ensuring the child is well-rested

The answer to how to focus is also to ensure that the child is well-rested. Ensuring that the child follows a routine and gets a good night’s sleep is important. Appropriate nutrition and the right amount of exercise are other factors to focus on. That a healthy mind rests in a healthy body isn’t just a cliche but the reality of life.

Discourage Multitasking

While current times glorify multi-tasking, students need to be taught to focus on one activity at a time. This will mean inculcating habits such as keeping technology away during study hours or having the phone in focus mode while studying.

To Sum Up

It is essential to be disciplined about the overall approach. Small steps can go a long way in gradually helping children improve their focus and concentration levels. Having an organized workspace that is clear of clutter is also essential to improving focus.

At Pragyanam, one of the top schools in Gurgaon, our focus is on study methods that spark children’s love for learning. Our aim is not to tell them what to think but how to think. These students grow up to be learners for life.


Aditya Sharma

Aditya brings over ten years of expertise as a Senior Marketing Strategist. He’s an expert at developing captivating marketing tactics that regularly provide excellent outcomes. His innovative strategies have demonstrated a track record of increasing organizational reach and engagement, showcasing his extensive knowledge of the contemporary marketing landscape.

March 2025